Dumonde Tech Pro X Liquid Grease 2oz Bottle (60mL)
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The Pro X Liquid Grease has been developed as a replacement for traditional grease in steel and ceramic cartridge bearings. As well as being waterproof, it polymerises and bonds to surfaces to create an extremely low-drag environment with high sheer strength and protection from corrosion.
Suitable for use on suspension fork legs, full suspension pivots, wheel bearings, roller bearing and jockey wheels and can even be used as a chain lube in extreme muddy conditions.
Who's this item for: Anyone looking for a lightweight lubricant with extremely low drag for use in bearings of all types.
Style of lube: This is a liquid grease that bonds to internal surfaces and migrates to heat to provide lubrication in critical areas. It won't get all gloopy and sticky over time like a normal grease.